May Issue Is Here

Hi Faithful Readers!

The May issue is out.  Be sure to read about some of the exceptional moms in the area from Diana Napper, who founded The Glimmer of Hope Foundation, to Lacey Spagnolo, the mom behind the Facebook page I’m Praying for Baby Jimmy Spagnolo. 

So this Mother’s Day, take a break.  Sit back and relax with our May issue.


See I Like All Things New!

Hi Readers:

Have you noticed the moon lately?  It is full, and the full moon plays a big part in determining when Easter and Passover are celebrated.  Both holidays celebrate newness–Easter, death to new life and Passover, slavery to a new life of freedom. 

I’ve often thought it would be much better to start the new year to coincide with spring.  My birthday is this month, and I always felt it a great time to celebrate another year.  My birthday always brought presents–new toys and new clothes when I got older. 

I know there are virtues to recycling and reusing things, but I admit, I like new things.  Perhaps it’s because I’m the first born.  If you’ve ever read Dr. Kevin Leman’s The Birth Order Book, you will understand.  I am a classic first born, and as such, I very rarely had hand-me-downs unless it was from older female cousins. Everything I received was new, and I still like it that way.

One of the new things I like is our new issue of Northern Connection, which is now on the stands.  So after all that feasting this weekend at your holiday celebrations, you may want to take some time to check out our latest issue.

Happy Easter and Happy Passover to all!

The Staff at Northern Connection magazine



Live it Up!

It’s the last weekend in February,  meaning we have nearly turned the corner on winter.

This weekend the Oscars air.  Have you seen any of the movies?  I have actually seen five of the nine films nominated for Best Picture–The Help, The Descendants, War Horse, Midnight in Paris and Moneyball.   I don’t know how that happened.  Some years I have only seen one or two.   I’m pulling for The Help.   Loved the book, and I thought the movie was pretty faithful to it.

Every year my neighbor hosts an Oscars party and it’s so much fun.  We eat themed food (don’t tell, but I’m making “money balls”-spinach ball appetizers).  I just hope the show doesn’t drag on.  It’s brutal getting up early the next day when they go past midnight.

Next week we celebrate something that only happens every four years–Leap Day on February 29.  For those of you born on this date, you get to celebrate big time to make up for all those other years.

While you are out and about this weekend renting the Oscar- nominated films and getting your snacks, be on the look out for our inaugural edition of PittsburghSeniors magazine.  You don’t have to be a senior to read it, but if you are a senior you certainly don’t want to miss it.

Also, we are wrapping up the March issue.  Look for that the end of next week.



Happy Mardi Gras, Everyone!

Happy Mardi Gras, Northern Connection fans!  You have to love a holiday that advocates for eating doughnuts!  Though Lent starts tomorrow, that doesn’t mean there are no treats in store.  In fact, our new publication PittsburghSeniors magazine hits the stands tomorrow, and you have the March issue to look forward to next week. 

As they say Le Bon Ton Roulet!  (Got to get some use of that high school French.)  Let the Good Times Roll. 

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy Groundhog Day, Dear Readers,

What a special day!  Punxsutawney Phil made his annual appearance and our February issue has arrived on the stands.  Be sure to pick it up as it is packed with information.  It features Passavant Hospital Foundation and our Health & Wellness section.   There’s just too much to mention.  Boo! No Steelers in the Super Bowl this year, but have a good time at your parties this weekend anyway.


Forecasting Snow!

Snow is in the forecast! While you are out picking up milk, bread and toilet paper ; ) , don’t forget a copy of Northern Connection magazine. What could be more fun than curling up with the February issue?

Be safe!


After months of gestation, Swanson Publishing, our parent company, is pleased to announce the birth of our brand new sister publication PittsburghSeniors Magazine. PittsburghSeniors will enter the world during February, packed with information that seniors enjoy–articles on Leisure, Finances, Health and Wellness, Housing and FUN! In addition, we will feature businesses, agencies and facilities that cater to the needs of seniors.

The magazine will be published quarterly and will also shine a spotlight on special seniors in the community. Each issue will feature trips back in time, but we won’t want to linger too long in the past, because we know PittsburghSeniors still have a lot of living to do–and PittsburghSeniors magazine’s mission is to bring you the information you need to help you to do just that.

Advertisers–be sure to reserve your advertising space as soon as possible as space is limited.  Call 724-940-2444.

Our Editor is Featured on Popular Pittsburgh

The Popular Pittsburgh Website did a feature on our Executive Editor Janice Lane Palko.  She also writes articles for the site.   Here is the link:

Happy New Year 2012!

Welcome to 2012 and Northern Connection’s 13th Year of Publication!

Do you have triskaidekaphobia?  If you don’t know what that is, it’s a fear of the number 13.  Many people think that 13 is an unlucky number, but we certainly don’t.  In fact, we are very excited about beginning our 13th year of publication and believe it will be our best ever.

As we hinted in previous postings, there were some changes afoot.  Well, the changes are here.  First, we freshened our layout a bit; everybody wants to start the year off looking good and so do we.  We hope you like our “facelift.”

Also, we’ve added two new columnists, Marianne Reid Anderson, our new “tech guru,” who will help to keep you abreast of the rapidly changing world of technology.  If you have any questions for her, please feel free to send them in.

We’ve also tapped Mike Doerfler to be our “sports guy.”   In addition to bringing you the sports news, Mike is a busy guy in our community.  The Cranberry Township Area Lions Club recently bestowed Mike with its highest honor, the Melvin Jones Award, for his leadership, service and humanitarian efforts.  Be sure to check his photo out on Page 46.

The January issue is also our Education Issue, and scattered throughout our pages this month are photos of local students.  Be sure to see if you know any of our area scholars!  We have also created a special Movers & Shakers section that spotlights our fantastic schools and the students who attend them.

The war in Iraq came to a close last month, and Northern Connection, once again, wishes to honor and remember all those who served there and who continue to serve around the world.  If you know of anyone who you feel would make a good subject for our Support Our Troops column, please contact us.

January is just the beginning of a new year and just the beginning of an exciting year for Northern Connection.  Watch for even more good things from us in the coming months.


It’s Not Us!

Hi Readers:

It has come to our attention, that some of the people who have been featured in the magazine have been receiving solicitations from a company called That’s Great News, LLC, offering a plaque with the article in which the person was featured–all for the reasonable price of $159 (sarcasm).  Rest assured, we are not affiliated with That’s Great News nor have we ever given them any of your information.  We have asked them to stop contacting people who have appeared in the magazine and to cease from illegally reproducing our material.

Please let us know if you have also been contacted by That’s Great News.

